I'm Laura, and I'm a pre-vet student at Skidmore College planning on majoring in Biochemistry and minoring in art history. Veterinary medicine has intrigued me since I was little but it wasn't until my Biology class in college where I saw myself pursuing medicine as a career. While I've thought about working in human medicine, I am an avid animal lover and enjoy the mystery and journey that veterinary medicine takes you through when you work on a patient who cannot talk or explain their symptoms to you. I am working as a vet tech this summer at three different hospitals and am hoping to shadow other veterinarians who have pursued other paths within veterinary medicine.

This blog incorporates the cases and patients I have seen this summer and what I have learned through the doctors and vet techs I've gotten the privilege to work with. My goal in this blog is to create discussion among people interested and curious about some of the normal, the interesting, and the peculiar aspects of veterinary medicine. So, let's get started

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bloated Parakeet?

A women brought her female bird into the hospital complaining that her bird had gained some weight recently.  The doctor began asking her questions to establish a history and found out that she had just gotten this parakeet, in hopes that she would keep her other parakeet company while she was at work.  Oh, and did I mention that her other bird was male?

The doctor examined and palpated the bird.  She determined that the bird was egg-bearing and sent the happy new grandmother on her way. 

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