I'm Laura, and I'm a pre-vet student at Skidmore College planning on majoring in Biochemistry and minoring in art history. Veterinary medicine has intrigued me since I was little but it wasn't until my Biology class in college where I saw myself pursuing medicine as a career. While I've thought about working in human medicine, I am an avid animal lover and enjoy the mystery and journey that veterinary medicine takes you through when you work on a patient who cannot talk or explain their symptoms to you. I am working as a vet tech this summer at three different hospitals and am hoping to shadow other veterinarians who have pursued other paths within veterinary medicine.

This blog incorporates the cases and patients I have seen this summer and what I have learned through the doctors and vet techs I've gotten the privilege to work with. My goal in this blog is to create discussion among people interested and curious about some of the normal, the interesting, and the peculiar aspects of veterinary medicine. So, let's get started

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Beginning

So, this is my first blog, the fact that I'm completely speechless as to how to start a blog is quite sad, especially considering the fact I've been thinking about this blog all day.  I am a pre-vet student at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY, hoping to major in biochemistry and minor in art history.  I've always wanted to become a vet, but I thought that it was just some childhood dream, close to getting a unicorn under the Christmas Tree.  But once I took my first steps into my biology lecture, I knew that working in medicine is something I really want to do.  I thought about working in human medicine, but one thing that really attracts me to veterinary medicine is the fact that our patients can't talk to us.  Instead of telling you, "I have a head ache," a veterinarian must explore how the body is telling you that the animal has a head ache.  I am interesting and attracted to the cures and possibly miraculous recoveries, but the puzzle of discovering what is going on with that animal is much more alluring.

All of this sounded interesting but I wanted to make sure that my hopes of becoming a vet could turn into a reality.  I mean, can I really work day in and day out in a hospital? So, I decided to jump right in! This summer I am working at three different vet hospitals throughout the Bay Area, each extremely different in the services they provide and the styles of veterinary medicine practiced by the doctors.  Turns out, I love it! I wake up every morning excited for work- I love what I'm learning, I love the cases I see, I love the doctors I'm working with, and I love satisfaction I get when an animal walks out the doors feeling happy and healthy

Throughout the summer, I decided to keep a diary of the case, diagnoses, and after care I see at work.  Each day, I bring my little orange notebook and scribble down notes and later talk with the doctors about their plans of action for their patients.

Just this past week one of my coworkers suggested I make a blog of my little orange book.  I thought that this blog would be an interesting way to share my experiences with whoever would listen.  If not, this blog would be a good way for me to reflect on the cases and possibly get some feedback on some of the cases I've seen. Or maybe this blog will be a stepping stone for someone else who is also interested in pursuing veterinary medicine.

Alright, let's get started! Bare with me, I've got to catch up on a month's worth of interesting cases.  

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